Saturday, April 16, 2011

Unconditional Love

According to Wikipedia, Unconditional Love is a term that means "to love someone regardless of the loved one's qualities or actions."  This morning, I experienced unconditional love, and when I mentioned it to Leanne, she said, "You have to write a post about this!"  So here goes.

For those of you that know me, recently I have been focused on living a more healthy lifestyle.  I joined Weight Watchers in January (with a bunch of my friends), increased my workout routines, and tried to keep a most positive spin on almost everything going on in my life (which is REALLY hard to do since I am still unemployed.)  While I've attempted this many times in the past (as I am sure many of you have), I have been VERY successful at times, and then not-so-successful at other times.  But that is LIFE.  Period.  And in life, you try to learn from your previous successes and failures.  Period.

Anyway, my Weight Watchers meetings are every Saturday morning.  8 a.m. sharp.  When I decided to join Weight Watchers, CT was most supportive, but never pushy.  What I love about CT is that he truly believes that whatever makes me happy will make him happy.  So, if I decided NOT to engage in a a healthy lifestyle, and NOT workout or go to Weight Watchers, he would be ok with that too.

Back to Saturdays... CT and I get up at our usual early morning hour, enjoy our cup of coffee, and then head our separate ways; I go to my Weight Watchers meeting, and he goes to workout.  When I return from my meeting, he is usually already home, waiting for me and excited to hear my good news (aka, results) or maybe not so good news.  If you've ever been challenged with weight loss and healthy eating, you know that some weeks are good, some are bad.  Again, this is LIFE.

So since January, I've had mostly good news to share with CT each Saturday ("Honey, I lost x lbs. this week!")  Last week, I had a great loss, and CT's response to me was, "Honey, that's terrific!  I can hardly see you -- you are melting away before my eyes!"  Ok, we all know that is definitely not the case -- I am NOT melting away before anyone's eyes, but the fact that CT was so encouraging just made my heart feel good.

This week was a "not-so-good" week.  When I came home this morning, CT greeted me and said, "How was your meeting?"  Very frustrated and disappointed, I said, "Not good. I gained one pound."  Sensing my frustration and disappointment, CT paused for a moment, and then said, "Well, I gotta tell you.... that one pound looks TERRIFIC on you, and I LOVE YOU, BABE."   Well, that's all he needed to say to me.  And that, my friends, is unconditional love.


How lucky am I that I truly have someone who loves me unconditionally?  Very lucky.  In fact, everyone should be so lucky.  I hope that you have or find unconditional love in your life, for it is truly the very, very best.  (And if you have any stories of unconditional love, feel free to share!)


  1. What an AWESOME hubby you have there!! It's great to be loved for who you are through and through!

    You definitely scored in the husband department!

  2. I LOVE HIM!!! How sweet.... What a wonderful way to start your morning, with such a wonderful and honest comment from your hubby. You did marry a winner sistah... Have a great weekend!

    Glad to see the new posts... Love your writing.

  3. As we have said . . . time and time again . . . we are going to keep our CT. Fantastic job, Mr. CT! So lucky to call you my dear brother.

  4. We will definitely keep him!! And I'm sure that eases his mind, eh???? ;)

    I also have a guy who loves me unconditionally and I'll probably share more about that on my blog within the next week.

    Life is Good, LT!! And we've got our sweeties with us every step of the way!!

  5. Love the new header! I see the leaves are growing!


I'd love to hear what you're thinking - feel free to leave me a comment!