Friday, September 24, 2010

Home Sweet Home & Star Wars

Well, as my few friends and followers know, we spent the last week at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.  We arrived home late yesterday, completely exhausted but filled with so many great memories.  While we LOVE to travel, we also love coming home.  Yeah, I hate the part of unpacking and doing vacation laundry, but I love the feeling of being back in my own space -- in my own warm, cozy home.

Our vacation was absolutely wonderful.  There is nothing like visiting Walt Disney World and seeing it for the "first time" through the eyes of a three year old (Ella) and a seven year old (Katie.)  Both Leanne and I have many stories to tell of our vacation; here's is just one that I'll share, and it is about my beloved CT.

CT is a fanatic about all-things Sci-fi, specifically, though, Star Wars and Star Trek.  The guy has seen all Star Wars and Star Trek movies at least 100 times, and our DVD library is filled with CT's own personal copies of the movies.  And every time there is a Star Wars or Star Trek movie on TV, CT insists on watching it -- commercials and all -- because, you know, there might be a good part coming up that you don't want to miss.  (Side note:  coming soon, my blog about CT's Star Wars and Star Trek Christmas Tree - stay tuned for that one!)

Anyway, here we are at Disney, browsing around a gift shop, and CT stumbles upon the following:

CT's eyes light up - really big, as he begins to browse through this cookbook.  Yes, a Star Wars Cookbook, featuring "Darth Malt" and more "Galactic Recipes".  It takes but a minute before he is at the cash register making this purchase.  Now, the funny thing about CT making this purchase is that the guy DOES NOT cook - AT ALL!  The poor guy doesn't even know how to boil water!  Yes, my CT is clueless when it comes to the kitchen.   And considering that he was a bachelor until age 43, I wonder how he survived, and my guess is that he survived on cereal, bananas, coffee, and the good graces of his mom (who is a great cook and probably stocked him up with weekly meals.)

So, tonight as I'm taking the photo of CT's new cookbook, I shout out to him, "Hey, do you know that this is Volume II of the Star Wars Cookbook?  That means that there is a Volume I."  And he shouts, back, "WHAT? VOLUME I?"  And then, I hear the click click and tap tap of the keyboard as CT is on-line with searching for Volume I.  Oh yes, he found Volume I, and it is called "Wookies Cookies".  CT yells out, "Oh, I've got to buy this one too!"  So, the non-cook will own two Star Wars cookbooks. 

Anyway, CT has promised me that he will make something for me from his Star Wars cookbooks, and while I'm not going to hold my breath, I'll definitely blog about it should it ever happen!  Yes, it is good to be home.


  1. That is simply hilarious! So glad you are back and it's wonderful to see you and CT had quit the adventure!

  2. Too weird...just found out and ordered Wookie Cookies myself. Should have it in a day or two!! Welcome home!

  3. HAA HAAA!!! SO LOVE that CT bought these books ... now, what time will dinner be ready?? You MUST hold him to his promise of cooking, and make sure to share photos with us (this is something I've GOT to see!)

    Had a wonderful vaca with you both!

  4. Next time I see you, tell CT I want a Darth Malt and some Wookie Cookies... ok? My Matthew would LOVE those books....and his birthday is in a few weeks....hmmmmmm. Welcome back, can't wait to see you and hear about it all!

  5. Wookie Cookies! I'm gonna have to pass this one on to a friend who's son is in love with Star Wars. They will be a perfect party treat.

    Your hubby cracks me up, maybe he would like to attend my friends party for her little son!


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